Did you know there are prescribed minimum standards when it comes to a home and whether it is fit for habitation as a rental property?
Residential Tenancies Act 2010 (NSW) in Section 52 (A) provides a very clear set of expectations for Tenants, Landlords, and Property Managers.
Here is the list of the seven (7) minimum standards that must be met for a rental property:
- Be structurally sound
- Have adequate lighting, either natural or artificial (storage rooms or garages)
- Have adequate ventilation
- Be supplied with electricity or gas with an adequate number of outlets for lighting and heating and for the use of appliances.
- Have adequate plumbing and drainage
- Bec connected to a water supply service or have infrastructure that’s able to supply hot and cold water for drinking, washing, and cleaning
- Contain bathroom facilities that allow for privacy, including toilet and washing facilities.