In light of the devastating loss of life and homes and heartbreak experienced by Victorians in the recent fires and also the floods affecting those in the north, it seemed somewhat timely when we came across these tips on a NSW Government website. There are some practical measures you can take to help prepare your home and family for an emergency situation. Any emergency will most likely involve loss of electricity and may result in you having to leave your home.
A basic home emergency kit should include:
- Torch (with spare batteries)
- First aid kit and manual Telephone which doesn’t require mains power to operate (e.g. mobile phone)
- List of contact details for family members and emergency services
- Supply of medications and hygiene products
- Copies of important family documents (birth certificates, passports and licences)
- Battery operated radio (with spare batteries)
If it seems likely you may have to evacuate, you should get together the following:
- Mobile phone, spare batteries (if available) and charger
- Supplies of prescribed medications (including prescriptions)
- Spare home and car keys
- Cash and credit cards
- Spare clothes and blankets
- Food/medications for your pets
If you are told to leave your home:
- Turn off electricity, gas and water supplies, unplug appliances and lock all doors and windows
- Check on any elderly or disabled neighbours – do they need assistance to evacuate?
- If you leave by car, take bottled water and blankets and listen to local radio for safety advice and instructions
- Make sure you have made arrangements for your pets
Source: Real Estate Dynamics (February 2009)