Outstanding Normanhurst Auction Sale – 20 Hammond Avenue, Normanhurst

Property details:

Two dwellings, one title

Approx. $1070 income per week, leased to excellent tenants

950 sqm approx.

More property details here


Marketing details:

Video Tour

Professional Photography and floor plan

Listed on Johnpye.com.au, Facebook, YouTube, Domain.com.au and Realestate.com.au

4-week marketing campaign

Saturday and Wednesday open homes, no private inspections as both dwellings were tenanted


Auction details:

8 Registered Bidders – 50/50 approx mix of owner-occupiers vs investors

Just under 100 inspections and enquiries. Diligent follow-up and communication to all parties

Opening bid – $1,300,000

26 individual bids in total, including opening bid and successful bid

Result details:

Sold $1,610,000, under the hammer

Highest sale in Normanhurst since February 2019

Outstanding result with extremely Happy Vendors and extremely Happy Purchasers!



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Inside view Kitchen view bedroom play room washroom ground yard view blank space backside shed room hall dinning room guest room washroom 2 space yard