Strata schemes by-laws review – just two weeks to go!

Strata schemes by-laws review - just two weeks to go!

Strata laws require all schemes to review their by-laws by 30 November 2017.

With the deadline fast approaching, now is the time for schemes to organise a meeting of the owners corporation to review their by-laws (if schemes have not already done so since 30 November 2016).

This is a chance for owners to consider whether their existing by-laws are still suitable or if changes are needed to improve the scheme’s operation. Schemes can adopt any or all of the model by-laws, or simply use them as a guide when making by-laws that suit their scheme.

If, as a result of the review, a scheme proposes changes to the by-laws, these must be put to a special resolution vote at a meeting of the owners corporation. The new by-laws must also be registered with the NSW Office of the Registrar General within 6 months after the special resolution has been passed. This can be done by lodging a Consolidation/Change of By-Laws form. Tenants must also be informed of any change in by-laws.

If no changes are needed as a result of the by-law review, nothing further needs to be done.

For more information on by-laws, visit our by-laws in your strata scheme page.


NSW Fair Trading (2017) Strata schemes by-laws review. Property Matters – keeping the property industry informed. Email newsletter, 15 November 2017. [Accessed 15 November 2017]